Wednesday, August 21, 2013


Received this message today from Bali- (maker of the handmade bead caps, components) that I use in my sterling silver rosaries.  Sterling silver rosaries are becoming quite the investment for my customers.  So- when you see and hear the prices of my sterling silver rosaries and receive quotes for custom work I hope you understand why the prices are what they are.  All we can hope for is that they stay this high which makes the value of your piece continue to rise.  We'll see how it goes!

Message from Bali:

Dear Customers,

This is from (Bali Silver Beads and Beading Components Supplier)
We would like to inform that the global pure silver prices fluctuated in a wide range and tend to rise.
If the price of pure silver is not back down, we might be reviewing or suspended the discounts that we offer to our customers.
As your partner, we strive to not raise the price of our products.

If you want to still get a discount, we still provide it until next week. Please place your order soon and get our discount.
Please visit our website:
Warm Regards,