HAPPY BIRTHDAY SURPRISE! Do you think that this young lady was delighted and surprised with her Custom Made Lady Of Fatima Rosary by Robert's Heirloom Rosaries?
As you look through the photos of the various sacramentals you will notice that most stones are completely wrapped in either silver or bronze. There are no open loops anywhere. The loops at the end of each bead are double wrapped so they will not come apart. Unbreakable Rosaries are guaranteed to never come apart under normal use. However, dropping the sacramental on a hard surface may crack the stones. You should always take great care of devotional items.
Heirloom Quality Devotionl Sacramentals
(For the greater glory of God and the salvation of humanity)
The enclosed contact information is provided for folks who what to discuss a rosary I have listed for sale or who are interested in having a "custom rosary" designed for them.
"I DO NOT accept EMAILS or PHONE CALLS from folks who are calling about SOURCES for Stones, Wire, Rosary Centers, Crucifixes or Medals."
I thank you in advance and appreciate your assistance with this matter.
How to contact Robert's Heirloom Rosaries:
Robert's Heirloom Rosaries
email: robertdempsey79@yahoo.com
For information regarding "Custom Designed Rosaries and/or Chaplets"- see the specific information below.
Wednesday, August 21, 2013
Received this message today from Bali- (maker of the handmade bead caps, components) that I use in my sterling silver rosaries. Sterling silver rosaries are becoming quite the investment for my customers. So- when you see and hear the prices of my sterling silver rosaries and receive quotes for custom work I hope you understand why the prices are what they are. All we can hope for is that they stay this high which makes the value of your piece continue to rise. We'll see how it goes!
Message from Bali:
Dear Customers,
This is from Bali-Beads.com (Bali Silver Beads and Beading Components Supplier)
We would like to inform that the global pure silver prices fluctuated in a wide range and tend to rise.
If the price of pure silver is not back down, we might be reviewing or suspended the discounts that we offer to our customers.
As your partner, we strive to not raise the price of our products.
If you want to still get a discount, we still provide it until next week. Please place your order soon and get our discount.
Please visit our website: www.bali-beads.com
Warm Regards,
Sunday, September 9, 2012
No. 157. Chaplet Of Our Guardian Angel- SOLD
Wednesday, September 5, 2012
No. 158. New Listing! Chaplet Of Our Lady Of Fatima
Tuesday, July 17, 2012
No. 160. Rosary Of The Immaculate Conception
Monday, June 13, 2011
New Items Added To My BLOG!
where many new items have been added, here is the Robert's Heirloom Rosaries Blog address:
Sunday, June 12, 2011
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
I am a PROUD Member of the EBAY Rosary Guild. My other team members are Kate, owner of Native Hills Rosaries and Janine, owner of Heartfelt Rosaries. We cross-reference each other in our EBAY listings, blogs, web sites, etc.. in order to provide customers with a wide range of talents, designs and prices. I hope you will take the time to review all that we collectively have to offer. You can see all the sacramentals that I presently have listed on EBAY by clicking here: Robertd5198
The Ebay Rosary Guild mission statement is as follows:
We are the members of the Ebay Rosary Guild, a small but growing group of Rosary makers who commit themselves to creating quality, hand-crafted Rosaries, Chaplets and Sacramentals to honor Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior, through his Blessed Mother Mary. We commit to honestly and fully describe the materials we use, informing and teaching as necessary; We will offer a variety of prices and styles --made with quality at all price ranges; We will communicate clearly with each patron, attempt to exceed expectations of our customers, and quickly respond to questions and concerns. We will also support our fellow Guild members, sharing our knowledge and expertise, successes and failures, good and bad with each other as we seek to make the Ebay Rosary Guild synonymous with the finest Rosaries on the Internet.
For more Fine Rosaries, Chaplets and Sacramentals, please visit all our members-
Native Hills Rosaries and More
Please visit my blog ofter and share it with others!May the Peace of the Lord be with you always.......
MP3 Player
Design Your Own Rosary or Rosary Chaplet
Design Your Own Rosary or Rosary Chaplet
Custom Design Rosaries and Rosary Chaplets
ATTENTION! My dear friends,
Sterling silver has been increasing in price rapidly for the past number of years. Silver is not only used for jewelery (and in my case rosaries) but also in the industrial market. Silver is also now being horded or purchased for investment purposes the same as gold. For example- a crucifix I used to be able to purchase for $18.00 is now $35.00. My prices for devotional items is increasing based on the market value. Copper which is also used in bronze has been increasing in price for the past couple of years as it is mostly used in the industrial arena. I am not alone in this arena as many of my fellow rosary makers are faced also with the rising prices. All of my medals, crucifixes, rosary centers and various connector embellishments are made in America which I am proud to offer. I thank all my clients of the past and future clients for their patronage.
I generally have a number of different rosaries and rosary chaplets for sale on EBAY and ETSY. However there are those that have something special in mind. I will custom make a rosary or rosary chaplet just for you. A unique one-of–a-kind devotional sacramental. It is important to understand that all of my sacramentals are custom designed., however, they are custom designed by me…here’s an opportunity for you to get involved., and actively participate in the design of YOUR devotional item.
It could be for yourself or someone special for a Baptism, First Communion, Confirmation, Wedding Couple, Mothers Day, Fathers Day, Birthday, Lent, Easter, Christmas, etc.
It can be a lot of fun and you may enjoy this unique opportunity.
NOTE: As you look through the various devotional items I have listed on ETSY, EBAY and look at the examples on my BLOG it is important to note that these listings do not necessarily mean they can be DUPLICATED. If the materials and components are available I could certainly do that and would. However- these are meant to be examples and thought provoking for ideas of custom designing a devotional item just for you. I Hope that helps to further understand the concept of a custom designed piece. If you find something you like- we can discuss how we can proceed to attempt to accomplish the same goal.
How does it work and what I need to know to begin:
First I need to know what price range you would be interested in- Provide a price range.
Second- choose the medal- Copper, Bronze or Sterling Silver.
Third- a particular stone or stone colors that you like.
Fourth- Are you interested in a 5 decade rosary or a particular rosary chaplet- if a rosary chaplet please specify which chaplet by name.
Once I have that information I will send you photos of various stones, and some choices for centers, medals, or crucifixes that I think would be particularly suited for this sacramental and fit well with your price range.
Once you decide what you like best- I will put together an Our Father bead and a few Ave beads, show the center, crucifix and/or medal – send photos and you can review, change, etc.. until you are satisfied with the choices you have made. Based on your choices and possible upgrades selected by you may require reexamination of the original price quote.
You do need to understand that this could take some time- especially if I have to find particular stones and/or I am out of stock of something in particular. Most of my stones come from Australia, Africa, etc., and it can take time to receive them.
1. After we agree on a final design and price - A 50% down payment is required before I begin.
2. There are “absolutely no returns or refunds” on custom designed devotionals.
3. I pay for first class shipping. Insurance is required and will be billed to you. Please note that the U.S Postal Service will not insure items to various foreign countries. If this is the case and you still want to purchase the item you must accept the responsibility for non-delivery. No refund for non-delivery.
If you think you would be interested in a custom designed sacramental, you can contact me at the following email address: robertdempsey79@yahoo.com.
Send as many questions as you would like- as I am always ready to assist. Only serious clients are asked to respond.
No. 1. Custom Made For Client- Chaplet Of The Great Promise
10 MM Argentinian Rhodonite, 8 MM Amethyst, Unique St. Michael Medal
No.2. AVE MARIA CALLA LILY Unbreakable Single Decade Rosary
Mother Of Pearl and AAA Grade 8 MM Emerals, Solid Sterling Silver
No. 3. Just Listed! FIRST COMMUNION ROSARY- Rosary Of The Sacred Heart Of Mary
Sterling Silver- Aves- 8 MM Natural Faceted Pink Rubies, Pater Nosters- MOP Cast in Resin trimmed in 7 MM Freshwater Pearle, connectors- 6 MM Rose Bicone Swavorski Crystal
No. 4. SOLD! Chaplet Of St. Ambrose- Custom Made for client
Sterling silver- Aves- Red Jade and Mother Of Pearl
No. 5. Rosary of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary (SOLD)
No. 6. Solid Copper Collection! Rosary Of The Miraculous Medal
Aves- 8 MM Creamy Turquoise, Pater Nosters- 14 MM Coffee Agate
No.7. New! The Copper Collection! Rosary Of Saint Benedict
All copper components, Aves- 8 MM Azurite, Pater Nosters- Handmade Lampwork, center- St. Benedict carrying Shephards Staff, St. Benedict Crucifix
No. 8. Rosary Of Our Lady Of Fatima
Solid Copper, Agate, Amethyst, Swavorski Crystal
No. 9. New! The Copper Collection! Rosary Of The Sacred Heart Of Jesus
All copper components, Aves- Pale Green Turquoise, Pater Nosters- 12 MM Rondel Azurite
No. 10. NEW! The Copper Collection! Rosary Of The Sacred Heart Of Mary
All Copper Components, Aves- Natural Russ Amazonite, Pater Nosters- Handmade Lampwork
No. 11. SOLID COPPER! Rosary Of The Sacred Heart Of Mary
Lampwork and 8 MM Natural Russ Amazonite
No. 11. b. SOLID COPPER! Rosary Of The Sacred Heart Of Mary
Lampwork and 8 MM Natural Russ Amazonite
No. 12. St. Teresa of Avila- Newly Listed on ETSY!
12 MM Variegated Royal Blue Agate and 8 MM Pale Yellow Jade, solid Bronze
No. 13. Rosary of St. Catherine Bologna

14 MM Golden Agate & 8 MM Medium Dragon Skin, Solid Sterling Silver
No. 14. Our Lady Of Seven Sorrows Rosary- New- Now available on ETSY and EBAY
Pater Nosters are Lampwork and Purple Stone, Aves are Variagated Blue Tones Of Sodolite, solid silver
No. 15. Rosary- NEW
Dream Agate and Chapmagne Mother Of Pearl
No. 16. Rosary- NEW
African Green Jade Pebbles, 7-9MM and Mother Of Pearl, Sterling
No. 17. Newly Listed! Scapular Rosary!
No. 18. Newly Listed- Rosary Of St. George
Solid Silver- click here for additional photos & info: http://robertd5198.etsy.com
No. 19. Newly Listed! Rosary Of St. Catherine Laboure
Hand Painted 14 MM Blue Rose Tensa Pater Nosters, 8 MM Natural Blue Coral Aves, Connectors- 6 MM Swavorski Crystal, Solid Silver.
No. 20. New Listing! Rosary Of Saint Jude
14 MM Rose Tensha and Freshwater Pearls, Aves are 8 MM Pink Rose Quartz, connectors on tail are 4 MM Swavorski Crystal, solid silver. Available now on ETSY.
No. 21. Just Listed! Rosary Of The Immaculate Conception
Solid Silver, 12 & 8 MM Natural Snow White Ocean Coral and AAA Grade Faceted Blue Swiss Topaz
No. 22. Rosary Of The Queen Of Peace (not Available)
Made for the Retirement Of Rev. Fr. James Coveney, St. Marks Parish, Altoona, Pa.
No. 23. Irish Shephards Rosary
Conemaurgh Marble and natural Sheep Horn
No. 24. New! For sale Now! Rosary Of The Infant Of Prague
Hand Painted Tensha, Freshwater Pearls, Purple Lepidolite, Bi-Cone Swavorski Crystals
No. 25. Rosary Of St. Michael and St. Jude, Custom Made for a client in Singapore (SOLD)
Solid Silver, Peruvian Pink Opals, Freshwater Pearls, Garnets, Blue Swiss Topaz Faceted Rondells
No. 26. Rosary (Bread of Life) Wheat Rosary
Gorgeous! Check EBAY listing.
No. 27. outhwestern Rosary Of St. Michael (Custom Order (SOLD)
Orange and Blue/Green Turquoise
No. 28. Rosary Of St. Joseph- Custom Order- SOLD
Earth Tone Jasper, Solid Bronze
No. 29. Rosary Of Divine Mercy/Holy Family- Custom Order- SOLD
Autumn Jasper, Solid Bronze and Brass
No. 30. (SOLD) Rosary Given to St. Dominic by the Virgin Mary
14 and 10 MM Hand Painted Roses on a Pearl background. Aves- Faceted Mother Of Pearl, Silver, Lorrain Crucifix
No. 31. Chaplet Of St. Rita- Patron Saint Of Seemingly Lost Causes
Hand Painted on Pearl background, and 7 MM Freshwater pearls, solid silver, very heavy 2 sided medal.
No 32. Newly Listed On ETSY! Our Lady The Golden Rose
Garnets and Hand Painted Floral Pater Nosters!
No. 33. (SOLD) Newly Listed! Rosary Of Our Lady Of Fatima
Peacock Blue Tiger Eye & Shirakai Aves, Dripping In Silver.
No. 34. The Garden Of Eden Rosary- NEWLY LISTED!
No. 35. Rosary Of St. George (SOLD)
.925 Sterling, 10 & 8 MM Rose Tiger Eye, just dripping in silver. The rosary center displays the Shield of St. George. The absolutely magnificant crucifix has the sun on the left side of the crucifix and the moon on the right. The sun and moon represent man and woman who witnessed the crucifiction. NEW and AVAILABLE NOW!
No. 36. Rosary Of The Sacred Heart Of Jesus- NEW (SOLD)
Solid Bronze, Paters- 12 MM Golden Agate, Aves- 8 MM Golden, Red & Blue Tiger Eye
No. 37. Newly Listed! Rosary Of St. Therese-Little Flower (SOLD)
Hand Painted Tensha Pater Nosters and Creamy White Turquiose, see EBAY for additional info
No. 38. Newly Listed! Rosary Of St. James (SOLD)
See Ebay for further details
No. 39. Newly Listed! Rosary Of St. Michael
Black Tiger Eye, solid silver, see EBAY for details
No. 40. Newly Listed! Rosary Of St. Hubert (SOLD)
Green Kyanite, Water Buffalo Bobe and Ox Bone, see EBAY for further details
No. 41. Newly Listed! Rosary of Queen Of Peace
Forest Green Jade and Fossil Stone, see EBAY for further details
No. 42. Newly Listed! Lady of Guadlupe
Creamy White and Blue-Greem Copper Turquoise, solid silver, see EBAY for Further details
No. 43. Rosary Chaplet of the Seven Sorrows of Mary
Sterling, Turquoise and Mother of Pearl
No. 44. Rosary Of St. Joseph (SOLD)
Solid Bronze- 12 MM Bronzite and 8 MM Kambaba Jasper
8 MM Sky Blue Jade & 12 MM Golden Agate. The blue reminds me of the skys in Heaven and the streets of gold.
No. 46. Rosary of The Blessed Virgin Mary & Mary Magdalene
8MM Natural White Opals, 12 & 8 MM Pale Greem'Blue Amazonite, Solid Sterling Silver.
No. 47. Rosary Of The Blessed Virgin Mary
12 MM Creamy Jasper, 8 MM Red Chrysocolla, 4 MM Bicone Swavorski Crystal
No. 48. Rosary Of The Sacred Heart (NEW)
Natural Ocean Coral, Lampwork and Swavorski Crystal, 2 sided Crucifix .
No. 48. b. Showing the other side of the crucifix.
No.49. NEW, Rosary Of Ireland (SOLD)
8 MM Russ Amazonite, 12 MM MOP, 4 MM Peridot Bicone Swavorski Crystal, Irish Penal Cross, Shamrock Holy Trinity Center, solid Sterling Silver
No. 50. 5 Decade Rosary- NEW (SOLD)
6MM Hermitite, 8MM Lantern Ring Aquamarine Emerald, 12 MM Natural White Coral, Sterling Silver
No. 51. All Saints Rosary (SOLD)
Beautiful Green Kynite and Lapis Azula, sterling silver
No. 52. All Saints Rosary (NEW)
Solid Silver, Natural Ocean Coral, Lampwork and Swavorski Crystal. White Rosaries Have been very popular this summer.
No. 53. (SOLD) Rosary-Sacred Heart of Jesus/Virgin Mary (NEW)
Hemimorphite 8 MM Stones and Lots of Bali .925 Sterling Silver
No. 54. Sacred Heart Rosary- ( NEW )
Holy Spirit Doves sour to the Sacred Heart - 6MM square Purple Crazy Lace Agate, 8MM Amethyst and 12 MM Puruvian Pink Opals
No. 55. Lady of Lourdes Rosary- ( NEW )
6MM Square Red Adventurine, 8MM African Carnelian and 12MM Mother Of Pearl
No. 56. Twin Doves Rosary- ( NEW )
AAA Grade Aquamarine, Sterling Silver
No. 57. Holy Eucharist 5 Decade Rosary- ( NEW )
It is done in sterling silver. The natural stones are 7MM, 40 carots of Creamy Mother of Pearl and 24 carots of Azurite Chrysocolla in 10MM. It makes a beautiful presentation. Soon to be listed on Ebay.
No. 58. Custom Made Sacred Heart Rosary (SOLD)
Solid Silver, 10MM Red Chinese Fire Agate & Turquoise
No. 59. Holy Eucharist Rosary- Just Completed ( NEW )
The Holy Eucharist surrounded by Angels Giving Glory To God In The Highest
No. 60. Rosary of St. Patrick (SOLD)
Solid Bronze, 10 MM Lapis Azula & AAA Grade Azurite Chrysocolla
No. 61. Rosary Of The Immaculate Conception- Custom Order- SOLD
Single Decade Rosary- Natural Aquamarine Stones, Freshwater Pearls, and Swavorski Crystals
No 62. Rosary Of The Assumption Of the Virgin Mary into Heaven (SOLD)
Custom order- solid silver, 12 MM White Peru Opals & 8 MM Red Bamboo Coral
No. 63. Our Lady Of Fatima Rosary, (SOLD)
12MM Blue Lampwork, 8MM White Ocean Coral and 4MM Bicone Dark Sapphire Swavorski Crystal
No. 64. Rosary Of Out Lady (sold)
No. 65. Rosary of the Immaculate Conception (SOLD)
8 MM Natural Emeralds and Natural 12 MM Lemon Chrysoprase, Solid Silver
No. 66 CUSTOM MADE LASSO Wedding Rosary (SOLD)
This is a Mexican Lasso Rosary. A Lasso Rosary is a double rosary that is placed over the bride and the groom during the wedding ceremony. The bride and Robert's Heirloom Rosaries designed this wonderful piece. She chose "Blue as it would be her "Something Blue". The wedding took place in the Chicago Cathedral presided over by the Archbishop. The below photos were taken during the Weddig Mass. Constructed of: AAA Grade 12 MM Moonstone and Crazy Blue Agate
No. 66. b. Photo 1. Custom Made LASSO Rosary

During the Wedding Mass
No.66. c. Photo 2. Custom Made Lasso Rosary

During the Wedding Ceremony
No. 66. d. Photo 3. Custom Made Lasso Rosary

During the Wedding Ceremony
No. 67. Rebeccas Rosary 1 of 3
No. 68. Rosary Chaplet Of The Tears Of Blood- NEW
Sterling, 10MM Chinese Red Fire, White carved 8MM Coral & Swavorski Crystal
No. 69. Rosary Of The Sacred Heart (Custom-Sold)
Aves- 8 MM Peach Coral, Pater Nosters, Hand Made Lampwork and Freshwater Pearls
No. 70. Emily's First Communion Rosary
No. 70. b. Emily's First Communion Rosary
No. 71. Mitchell's Rosary Picture 1 of 4
NO. 72. Single Decade Rosary Of The Holy Eucharist. Completed 19 Oct 2010
Custom Made for a little girls Baptism. 12MM Aquamarine, MOP and Labatorite, Sterling Silver.
No. 73. Three Hail Mary Devotion
COPPER! Crab Agate and Freshwater Pearls
Exactly What is a Chaplet?
The term Chaplet is used commonly to designate Roman Catholic prayer forms which use prayer beads, but are not necessarily related to the Rosary. Some of these chaplets have a strong Marian connotation, others are more directly related to Jesus or the Saints. Chaplets are considered "personal devotionals," and there is no set form and therefore they vary considerably. While the usual five decade rosary may be referred to as a chaplet, often chaplets have fewer beads than a traditional rosary and a different set of prayers.
Common Chaplets include:
· Chaplet of Divine Mercy, using ordinary rosary beads of five decades.
There exists a renewed interest in various forms of the Rosary which in fact have little to do with the classical rosary prayer itself. The term used commonly to designate these prayer forms is chaplet, probably because of their use of the beads. Some of these chaplets have a strong Marian connotation, others are more directly related to some saints. Not all of these variants of the authentic rosary are based on solid theology and devotional practice.
There are many beautiful and very powerful chaplets that can be prayed for different groups of people or occasions. Generally they are prayed on a full set of Rosary beads and all can be prayed on a set of just ten prayers beads.
There is something very special about praying a chaplet in a group, no matter how small. Remember Jesus telling us that whever two or more are gathered in His name He is there with us also. Comforting isn't it? Here's another thought to comfort us too. We all have a guardian angel, appointed to us at the moment of our conception and every time we pray we are actually praying in the company of our guardian angel! So we are never alone in prayer.
No. 74. Chaplet of Our Mother Of Perpetual Help (SOLD)
Custom made for client, 12 MM Red Rose Lampwork, 12 MM Green Adventurine, 8 MM Hand Painted Colosial Beads and Swavorski crystal, .925 Sterling Silver.
No. 75. Custom order Of Chaplet Of St. Cecilia (SOLD)
AAA Grade Aquamarine and Freshwater Pearle, solid .925 silver
No. 76. Chaplet Of Joan Of Arc (SOLD)
12 & 4 MM Mother Of Pearl, 8 MM Blue Crazy Lace Agate, Solid Sterling
No.77. NEW- Chaplet of Saint Cecilia, (SOLD)
Solid Bronze, 12MM Green Lemon Chrysoprase and 8MM Australian Chrysoprase
No. 78. Chaplet of Saint Joseph (NEW)
Sterling, Purple Jasper and White Coral
No. 79. Chaplet of the Immaculate Conception (SOLD)
Blue Dragon Vein Agate and Natural Ocean Coral..extrodinary!
No. 80. (SOLD) Chaplet of The Immaculate Conception (NEW)
Solid Bronze, 12MM Crab Agate, 8MM Yellow Citrine Topaz, 3.9 MM Rubelite Garnets
No. 81. Chaplet of St. Patrick (NEW)
12MM Mother of Pearl and 8MM Brazilian Aquamarine, Georgous Celtic Cross!
No. 82. Chaplet of Saint Patrick- NEW
12 MM AAA Grade Azurite Chrysocolla, 8 MM Lapis Azula
No. 83. Chaplet of The Immaculate Conception
No. 84. Immaculate Conception Chaplet ( NEW )
Absolutely Georgous!
No. 85. Chaplet of The (5) Five Wounds- NEW (SOLD)
AAA Grade alexanderite, Mother of Pearl, Sterling Silver
No. 86. Chaplet of The Precious Blood- NEW (SOLD)
10MM Amethyst and 3.9 MM Swaroovski Crystal, Argentium Sterling Silver
No. 87. Chaplet of Saint Anthony- SOLD
12 MM Creamy Varigated Jasper , 8 MM Fire Red Agate, Argentium Sterling Silver
No. 88. Chaplet of the Infant Of Prague- NEW
12MM Blue Tiger Eye & 8MM Crazy Blue Agate- Solid Sterling Silver
No. 89. NEW- Chaplet of Saint Monica
Sterling, Iran Copper Turquoise, White Ocean Coral
No. 90. Chaplet of Saint Joan Of Arc
One of my favorites........(SOLD)
No. 91. Our Lady Of Fatima (NEW)
Bronze, Amazonite and Natural Crazy Lace Agate
No. 92. Chaplet of Saint Theresa- NEW (SOLD)
Sterling, Mother of Pearl and Lampwork
No. 93. Chaplet of The Pecious Blood- NEW (SOLD)
11 MM Deep Red Garnets, Argentium Sterling Silver
No. 94. Chaplet of Mercy And Forgiveness- NEW (SOLD)
12 mm Sandlewood Jasper and 8mm Multicolored Jade- BRONZE
No. 95. Chaplet of St. Benedict- SOLD
Done in sterling silver, Ocen Jasper and Black Onyx....beautiful!
Chaplet of St. Benedict, JUST FINISHED 25 OCT 09, see photo below
No. 96. Chaplet Of The Blessed Sacrament
Very Manly..33 beads represents Jesus age on earth...
No. 97. Chaplet Of The Holy Name Of Jesus. Just finished and getting ready to list on EBAY.....
Solid Bronze, Iran Green Copper Tourquoise, Lapis Azula, Brown Jasper and Amber Shell
No. 98. Chaplet Of The Ten Evangelic Virtues Of The Blessed Virgin Mary. (SOLD)
Sterling Silver, Raspberry Jasper Rondelles and Purple Lace Agate
No. 99. Chaplet Of The Immaculate Conception (SOLD)
Absolutely Georgeous.. (SOLD).
No.100. Chaplet of Saint Dominic Savio
12 & 8 MM AAA Grade Lapis Azula and Natural White Ocean Coral. Patron Saint of Youths and Young Adults
No. 101. Chaplet of Mercy And Forgiveness- NEW
12 mm Bronzite and 8 mm Kambaba Jasper, BRONZE
No. 102. Chaplet Of The Precious Blood (SOLD)
Notice the small heart connectors......
No. 103. Christmas Joy! (SOLD)
Comming soon....for Christmas...one of many 1 decade rosaries......
No.104. NEW! Chaplet Of Saint Cecilia
12 MM Peacock Blue Tiger Eye and 10 & 4 MM Mother Of Pearl, .925 Sterling Silver
No. 105. Chaplet Of Our Lady Of Mount Carmel
Absolutely beautiful 12 MM Puruvian Pink Opals and 8MM Green Varigated Agate, done in solid bronze with antique vintage medals.
No. 106. (SOLD) Chaplet of Saint Cecilia- Patron Saint of Musicians (NEW)
Sterling, Mint Green and Golden Quartz
No. 107. Chaplet of St. Monica
No. 108. Chaplet of St. Aloysius Gonzaga
Bead color was specified for this chaplet. White/clear for his innocense (White Coral, 12 and 8MM), Blue for his devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary, Georgeous Blue Jade (10 MM), 23 beads represents his age at the time he was martyered.
No. 109. Chaplet of St. Martin de Porres (SOLD)
Solid Sterling, 12MM black Labradorite Larvikite (Blue Mother of Pearl) and 8mm/4mm Black Onyx and Collosial (hand painted beads), just finished on 24 Sept 09...
No. 110. Chaplet of The Mother Of The Most Holy Eucharist
Done in 100% natural AAA grade Red and Green Opal's. Lots of Bali sterling silver.
No. 111. Chaplet of St. Cecilia (SOLD)
Solid Bronze, antique vintage medals, 12MM Maroon Lace Agate, 10MM Creamy Jasper, 4MM Blue Adventurine Shell Beads
No. 112. Chiropractors Chaplet to Saint Raphael
12 MM Peacock Blue Tiger Eye, Solid Silver. St. Raphael- Healer Of God. Custom made for Dr. Richard Prebish, Battle Creek, Michigan.
No. 113. Christmas Hope.... (SOLD)
Closed Loop Tenner Single decade Rosary